From The Mailbag: Accessing Old W-2s

Sometimes we all need to access old documents, whether it be medical stuff or tax information or receipts.  I'm a horrible thrower-outer, so chances are I don't have whatever I need in my filing cabinet.  Fortunately, many old documents can be accessed via MyPay.  That's where I sent the author of today's question:

I need a copy of my 1099R for the year 2009. I have tried both telephone & my computer to get this information. I have my doctor's letter certifying my illness during the deadline of my tax extension, however the IRS is pressing me &; probably charging me, even though I paid them the estimated . The only document I need now to complete my return is this from DFAS.

Sometimes we all need to access old documents, whether it be medical stuff or tax information or receipts.  I'm a horrible thrower-outer, so chances are I don't have whatever I need in my filing cabinet.  Fortunately, many old documents can be accessed via MyPay.  That's where I sent the author of today's question:

I need a copy of my 1099R for the year 2009. I have tried both telephone & my computer to get this information. I have my doctor's letter certifying my illness during the deadline of my tax extension, however the IRS is pressing me &; probably charging me, even though I paid them the estimated . The only document I need now to complete my return is this from DFAS.

Thank you very much.

Col. H

W-2s are one of those items that can suddenly be needed in the future.  MyPay to the rescue!
Dear Col. H,

I'm afraid I can't access those documents for you.  I suggest that you continue to try to work with DFAS in order to get a copy of your 1099R.  Do you have a MyPay account via the DFAS website?  On my husband's MyPay account, when you select the W-2 link, there is a drop down box in the upper right hand corner that allows you to select previous year's W-2s.  If you are not able to access MyPay, and do not want to set up an account, you should be able to request those documents by telephone.

I hope this helps, and good luck to you.


Keep sending those letters, folks, and I'll keep trying to answer them!