All of December and Some of January Weekend Roundup

It has been a long time since I've done a weekend roundup...there has been so much other news happening.  That certainly doesn't mean that there hasn't been tons of useful information all around the internet.

It has been a long time since I've done a weekend roundup...there has been so much other news happening.  That certainly doesn't mean that there hasn't been tons of useful information all around the internet.

Nickel at Five Cent Nickel debunks the assertion that it is Cheaper to Eat at a Restaurant Than at Home?  I have to admit, on our recent vacation, I was amazed by the promotional signs on restaurants in the Northern Virginia area.  Three course dinner for two, $20?  I'm sure means a shared appetizer, two entrees, and a shared dessert, but it is probably more food than I can eat, and that seems like an amazing price to me.  Of course, there are six of us, so that would mean $60, and that clearly is no bargain.  I can make dinner for less than $10 without a lot of planning, stockpiling or couponing.  Still, it gets you thinking...

I like most of the ideas of Leo Babauta, who writes Zen Habits.  I love, love, love what he proposes in The No New Gifts Holiday Challenge.  It was too late to try this with my family for this year, but I've already been promoting it for next year.  I think I might have convinced them!  There are many reasons I like this plan:  it forces you to think, it doesn't clutter up your house with a bunch more stuff, and it prevents any potential last minute overspending spree.

The Paycheck Chronicles have been featured several places around the internet this week.  I'm so proud!

That's all for now, folks!  Have a fabulous weekend and keep being cheap!