AAFES Price Matching - Keep Watching

Diana, a kind reader, has written in to The Paycheck Chronicles asking me to remind everyone about the Army and Air Force Exchange Services (AAFES) price matching policy, and to tell her experience.

Diana, a kind reader, has written in to The Paycheck Chronicles asking me to remind everyone about the Army and Air Force Exchange Services (AAFES) price matching policy, and to tell her experience.

Both AAFES and the Navy Exchange service have official price matching policies with various details for amount of challenge, location, etc.  Diana used the regular price matching to get a dollhouse at the same price offered by Walmart.   Then, the Walmart price went down considerably and she asked that AAFES match the new, lower price.  It took a little convincing, but she saved a good amount of money for the effort.

During this season full of promotional pricing, price matching is a great way to save.  Thanks, Diana, for sharing your experience and reminding us all to price match.