December 2011 Commissary Remote Sales

It is a light month for the Defense Commissary Agency's (DeCA) special sales that are located at places geographically removed from regular commissary stores.  DeCA calls these Guard and Reserve sales, but they are open to any eligible commissary shopper.

It is a light month for the Defense Commissary Agency's (DeCA) special sales that are located at places geographically removed from regular commissary stores.  DeCA calls these Guard and Reserve sales, but they are open to any eligible commissary shopper.

There are only two sales scheduled for December.  The link in the listing takes you to the contact page for the sponsoring commissary store.  Please call them for more information about dates, times and locations, especially if you are traveling a distance or there is inclement weather.

December 2 and 3

December 8 to 11

I hope that you can find lots of good deals!  Be sure to know your prices before you go, as these sales don't always have better deals that the stores in town.