15 October 2011 Pay

Friday is payday, and you can tell because the list of 2011 military pay dates has shot to the top of the most popular list here at The Paycheck Chronicles.  Of course, the usual paydays are the first and fifteenth of the month, but since the 15th is on a Saturday, payday is the previous business day, Friday, 14 October 2011.  Pay can be deposited any time on the day on payday, including overnight into Saturday.

Friday is payday, and you can tell because the list of 2011 military pay dates has shot to the top of the most popular list here at The Paycheck Chronicles.  Of course, the usual paydays are the first and fifteenth of the month, but since the 15th is on a Saturday, payday is the previous business day, Friday, 14 October 2011.  Pay can be deposited any time on the day on payday, including overnight into Saturday.

If your bank regular deposits your pay one day early, like PMCU,  USAA and Navy Federal Active Duty checking, you should expect to see your pay on Thursday, 13 October 2011.

Bank with Navy Federal but not sure what sort of account you have?  If you have an Active Duty checking account, it will be labeled as such on your online account access.  It looks like this:

nfcu statement

You can also check with your branch, or give them a telephone call you ask.  You do not automatically have an Active Duty checking account just because you are on active duty - you have to choose what sort of account you want to have.  If you don't have an Active Duty checking account, it easy to change.  You can change online, at a branch, and I think by telephone.

The next pay period is a long one, 18 days until 1 November 2011, so be sure to plan appropriately.