Use MyPay to Change Direct Deposit

I have been swamped with mail lately.  I'm glad for all the questions because it helps me know what is going on in my readers' world, but I feel guilty because I am having trouble keeping up with all the responses.

I have been swamped with mail lately.  I'm glad for all the questions because it helps me know what is going on in my readers' world, but I feel guilty because I am having trouble keeping up with all the responses.

One question in particular has come up several times recently:  How do I change the direct deposit information for my military pay, both active duty and retirement pay.  That's a question that's quick and easy to answer!

If you are already enrolled in the MyPay system, it is very simple to change your direct deposit information.  Just log into your MyPay account.  From the main screen, select Direct Deposit under Pay Changes.  You will need to know the new bank's routing number, your account number, and account type.

If you are not enrolled in MyPay, I recommend that you enroll.  It is the fastest, easiest, and most efficient way to keep tabs on your payments and other pay-related information.  Information on how to enroll in MyPay can be found in an old post called How To Access MyPay.

If you really don't want to utilize the internet to change your direct deposit information, you can use the form SF1199A to change your bank information.

Keep sending those questions coming, and I'll do my best to keep up with the answers.