Ask Kate!

As you may have noticed, the web guy extraordinaire has put a link in the left hand column that allows you to send me an email. I have heard from so many readers since the link was added, and I love it!

As you may have noticed, the web guy extraordinaire has put a link in the left hand column that allows you to send me an email. I have heard from so many readers since the link was added, and I love it!

Some questions are common and I'll be featuring them periodically.

So, without any loud fanfare, here's the mailbag:

From A.A.: I am trying to change my direct deposit of my military disability benefits to my new bank. Can you please tell me the process for this?

Dear A.A.,

I would suggest you contact a VA benefits representative at 1-800-827-1000 for instructions on how to change your direct deposit. They are available by telephone Monday-Friday, 8am to 9pm EST. You could also go into a VA office if there is one near you.

Thank you for your service,

Kate Kashman

From A.C.:Hi Kate, my Husband is enlisted E-5 and I am enlisting at the end of the month. We are wondering if I will receive BAH while I am at Basic and in school. If so, will he still be receiving his as well? Also, once I am out of schooling and get to my first duty station, if we are not co-located, will we both receive BAH then? If so, how much with each of us receive?

Dear A.C.:

The answer depends on whether or not your husband has dependents other than you. For these answers, I will assume that you do not. You will not receive BAH while you are in school, because you are receiving housing from the military and you do not have other dependents. If your husband is currently receiving BAH, he should be able to continue receiving it while you are in school. However, he should receive it at the without dependents rate because once you enlist, you are no longer his dependent.
Once you leave school, you are each entitled to BAH at the without dependents rate.
The amount of BAH received will depend on your location. You can look up the BAH query charts online.

Good luck to you,


I love to hear from my readers, so please, use the Ask Kate button on the left hand side to send me an email!