Free Books for Military Families

Wow!  What an awesome silver lining!  Just today, I discovered that MilitaryOneSource had discontinued their popular free book program, and then I discover that Operation Paperback, in conjunction with Blue Star Families, is offering free books to military families.

Wow!  What an awesome silver lining!  Just today, I discovered that MilitaryOneSource had discontinued their popular free book program, and then I discover that Operation Paperback, in conjunction with Blue Star Families, is offering free books to military families.

Operation Paperback is a Pennsylvania based non-profit that helps connect books with deployed servicemembers.  Volunteers across the country are linked with the addresses of individual servicemembers and deployed units, and send books directly.  Operation Paperback staff also help with more specific needs, such as professional reading, books to specifically support chaplains, and books for deployed parents to read to their children via webcam or DVD.

The special family program happens twice a year.  Each box contains 10-15 new or like new books, and you have the opportunity to specify what sorts of books would be most loved at your house.  Registration is quick, easy, and free!

Everyone loves books, especially at this price.  Be sure to sign your family up today, and if you have a deployed person, sign them up, too.

Don't forget that these charities can't continue to do their work without our support.  If you are in a position to give, books or money, consider Operation Paperback.