Air Force Kids Can Earn Educational Money

I'll be the first to admit that I don't have many details on this, but it seems so wonderful that I didn't want to procrastinate in sharing it with you.  It seems that the Air Force Aid Society (AFAS), in conjunction with the Air Force Family Member Programs Flight, is offering a way for high school aged Air Force kids to earn funds to be used towards educational programs.  It is called the YES program, which stands for Youth Employment Skills.

I'll be the first to admit that I don't have many details on this, but it seems so wonderful that I didn't want to procrastinate in sharing it with you.  It seems that the Air Force Aid Society (AFAS), in conjunction with the Air Force Family Member Programs Flight, is offering a way for high school aged Air Force kids to earn funds to be used towards educational programs.  It is called the YES program, which stands for Youth Employment Skills.

The informational posting at the AFAS website doesn't have a lot of details, and it is only available at certain locations, but I would certainly be looking into this if I were in an Air Force family and I had kids heading towards further education.  The webpage does indicate that interested kids should contact the Youth Director at their Family Member Programs Flight for eligibility requirements and enrollment procedures.

Please let us know if anyone has used this program.  We'd love to learn more.