Saving Dinner Super Sale

If you have a family, they probably like to eat.  Mine does!  Unfortunately, I'm not the world's most organized menu planner and grocery shopper.  I've gone through phases where I'm fabulous at it, and it always benefits my family.  Less stress, better meals, and less money spent on grocery.

If you have a family, they probably like to eat.  Mine does!  Unfortunately, I'm not the world's most organized menu planner and grocery shopper.  I've gone through phases where I'm fabulous at it, and it always benefits my family.  Less stress, better meals, and less money spent on grocery.

One tool that I've used a few different times is a service called Menu Mailer offered by a woman named Leanne Ely.  Leanne is a phenomenal resource in the food department.  She is a certified nutritionist, cookbook author, blog talk radio host and syndicated food columnist.  Her menu mailers offer you organized menus and grocery lists to help take the guesswork out of dinner time.

I wouldn't normally promote a product like this, but a year's worth of Menu Mailers is currently on sale for just $27.  For my family, that is less than a carryout meal purchased in desperation.  In my experience, the menu mailer recipes are nearly always good, and some are just fantastic and have become family favorites.

I don't know how long this sale is going to last.  I just placed my order and was able to get the $27 price.  It is still a good value even at the full price of $47, but obviously saving money is dear to me.  If you think that something like this would benefit your family, now would be exactly the right time to make your purchase.