Army Emergency Relief Offers Scholarship Programs

Did you know that Army Emergency Relief offers scholarship programs?  They have three different programs:  Dependent Children Scholarships, Overseas Spouse Scholarships, and Stateside Spouse Scholarships.

Did you know that Army Emergency Relief offers scholarship programs?  They have three different programs:  Dependent Children Scholarships, Overseas Spouse Scholarships, and Stateside Spouse Scholarships.

The Dependent Children Scholarship program is open to unmarried children of active duty, retired or deceased soldiers.  They must be under 23 years of age and pursuing a first, undergraduate degree.   The application deadline is 1 April, but there are quite a few steps, including submitting the FAFSA form.

The Overseas Spouse Education Program is available only to military spouses who are residing at the overseas location of their active duty sponsor.  Overseas, for purposes of this scholarship, does not include Hawaii, Alaska, or Puerto Rico.  Assistance is only available for first, undergraduate degrees.  The application period for the next session of assistance begins on 7 March, 2011.

The Stateside Spouse Education Program is available for first, undergraduate degrees.  Applications for this program must be completed by 1 April 2011, and require the completion of the FAFSA.

All AER scholarship programs are grants, and are based on financial need.  Go apply!