Online Buyers Beware

Really, I am clearly not sneaky enough.  When I read this article at Five Cent Nickel, I had to really think about how this would work, but it seems that it is a successful ploy.  In Online Shopping Gone Horribly Wrong, Nickel explains how unscrupulous retailers use negative publicity to increase their business.  Please read his article, the linked New York Times article, and be careful out there.  The three tips I took away from this are:

  1. Don't shop with a company that you have never before heard anything about, good or bad.

  2. Check for satisfaction reviews before buying from a lesser-known company.

  3. Be sure to use a credit or debit card that offers full protection for your purchases.

I do a lot of shopping online, and I'd never heard of such a scammy business model.  I am glad I read this article, and I can apply my new information to keep myself safe.

Really, I am clearly not sneaky enough.  When I read this article at Five Cent Nickel, I had to really think about how this would work, but it seems that it is a successful ploy.  In Online Shopping Gone Horribly Wrong, Nickel explains how unscrupulous retailers use negative publicity to increase their business.  Please read his article, the linked New York Times article, and be careful out there.  The three tips I took away from this are:

  1. Don't shop with a company that you have never before heard anything about, good or bad.

  2. Check for satisfaction reviews before buying from a lesser-known company.

  3. Be sure to use a credit or debit card that offers full protection for your purchases.

I do a lot of shopping online, and I'd never heard of such a scammy business model.  I am glad I read this article, and I can apply my new information to keep myself safe.