6 November 2010 Saturday Roundup

Another week has flown by!

Another week has flown by!

Things I've enjoyed around the internet this week:

A great all-around for military money resources is Military Money Matters.  The boss lady, Janet, is a former Navy wife and former Navy JAG attorney with lots of experience dealing with the crazy situations of money and the military.

How You Treat Your Goods Could Reflect How You Manage Money at Engineering Your Finances is a thoughtful look at how disposable things have become.  I agree and it makes me crazy - I would rather pay more for something that will last, but it seems that even paying more doesn't guarantee longevity.

The Paycheck Chronicles have been mentioned in the following places this week:

2010 Veterans Day Discounts was included in the Festival of Frugality hosted by Magical Penny, and he was a good sport for including our US holiday deals in his UK based roundup.

Why Not To Bounce Checks was included in the Carnival of Money Stories published at Live Real, Now.

The Value of a Stocked Pantry was included in the Carnival of Personal Finance hosted by Flexo at Consumerism Commentary.