1 November 2010 Military Report

From the Military.com mothership, the 1 November 2010 Military Report brings the following financial news:

From the Military.com mothership, the 1 November 2010 Military Report brings the following financial news:

Applebee's Salutes Veterans - Once again this Veterans Day, Thursday, Nov. 11, Applebee's Neighborhood Grill and Bar will thank our nation's veterans and active duty military by inviting them to their neighborhood Applebee's for a well-deserved free meal. More...

Are VA Loan Interest Rates at an All-time Low? - Freddie Mac has tracked the average 30-year fixed mortgage interest rates since 1971. The data collected is a record of average rates offered by lenders across the country for a typical mortgage and shows that today's rate of 4.27% is the lowest average 30-year fixed rate since record keeping began. More...

Cut Pay or Cut Troops? - The future of military pay is being debated and it may come down to choosing between service size or military pay. More...

Enfamil Products Recalled - Military commissaries have pulled certain powdered Enfamil powdered baby formula amid reports that they may contain metal shavings. A list of the recalled products is available on the Commissaries.com website. More...

Exchange Sponsors "Hero" Contest - Military members and all military ID card holders who are 18 years old or older may submit an essay on their hero, including what makes the nominee unique or what accomplishment or influence they have achieved, in the Army & Air Force Exchange Service's "My Hero" Essay Contest. More...

Featured Job: Military-Friendly Employers - Employers are actively seeking veterans and those with military experience. For a complete listing of an organization's available job opportunities use Military.com's Veteran Job Search. More...

Flu Shots for TRICARE Beneficiaries - Influenza vaccines are covered by Medicare at no cost to TRICARE for Life beneficiaries as long as they are administered by a Medicare provider who agrees to accept the Medicare-approved amount as full payment. More...

GI Bill Reform Too Costly? - Tom Philpott answers member's questions about the cost and probability of passing GI Bill reform. More...

Sharp HDTV Sweepstakes - The Army and Air Force Exchange Service is teaming with Serta Mattresses to give away approximately $4,000 in Sharp HDTVs in the Serta Sweepstakes. Authorized Exchange shoppers worldwide can register at participating stores for their chance to win one of the three TVs through Veterans' Day, Nov. 11. More...

South Dakota Veteran Bonuses - South Dakota offers a bonus to members of the Armed Forces and veterans who were legal residents of the state for at least six months prior to joining the Armed Forces. More...

Spouse Tuition Assistance -- MyCAA Update - According to the DoD, the response to the reopening of MyCAA has been "great." So great in fact, that the DoD is asking spouses to use the MyCAA online messaging system due to demand and volume of calls. The downside is that it may take up to 5 business days to get an answer to their questions. More...

Use it or Lose it: GI Bill Benefits - Your GI Bill benefits expire, and the clock starts ticking as soon as you leave the service. That's the bad news. The good news is that as of October 2010, the GI Bill rate increased to more than $51,000. More...

VA Claims Process Streamlined - The Department of Veterans Affairs has released three new disability benefits questionnaires for physicians of Veterans applying for VA disability compensation benefits. More...

Veterans Day Discount in Tennessee - Tennessee State Parks are offering veterans a discount on camping and golf on Veterans Day every year. The offer applies only to Tennessee residents who are veterans. More...

Veterans Resource Fair - Chicago - Veterans are invited to come and learn about their benefits and more. More...

What Comes After SGLI? - SGLI coverage ends 120 days after you leave active duty service. Do you have plans for how you are going to meet your life insurance needs once your SGLI expires? Get $800k of coverage for just $35 a month (to age 50). More...

myPay Website Updates - The myPay online pay account management system features new user improvements designed to streamline user account creation and updating, and to make the website's homepage easier to navigate. More...