An Open Letter to DFAS

Dear DFAS,

Dear DFAS,

Thank you for all you do to make sure that service members get paid twice each month.  I know it is a big job.  We truly do appreciate your efforts.

There are a few ways that you could help me to understand your system.  The more I understand, the less I need to ask you questions.  This will save time for all of us, particularly my husband who must relay all my questions through someone else to find the answers.

First, is there some way to see an accounting of the various deposits that randomly show up in my account?  This is a particular problem during PCS.  I don't want to get too much money and have to pay it back later, and I also don't want to be underpaid.  You are very busy and don't know all the details of my life, so I imagine it is hard for you to double-check everything.  I know my situation very well and I have a sincere interest in making sure this is correct, so I would be glad to make sure the figures add up.  It would help us both if I could verify that the amounts are correct, but I haven't yet been able to break your code.

Second, could you please explain why I sometimes go into debt and then have debt repayments?  And what exactly is an "advance debt?"  This confuses me every time, since it never seems to happen in relationship to anything that has happened on my husband's end.

I have more questions, but that is all I can think of right now.

I appreciate any help you can give to me.  I promise I will stop bothering you once I understand the system.

Thank you for your time,

The wife at home who handles the money stuff.