The Great PCS Book Giveaway #5

The last book in the Great PCS Book Giveaway is one of my favorite personal finance books:  Die Broke by Stephen Pollan and Mark Levine.  Pollan and Levine helped me develop my money attitudes, specifically creating a career path that provides pleasure as well as income and developing income streams that will remain throughout our lives.

The last book in the Great PCS Book Giveaway is one of my favorite personal finance books:  Die Broke by Stephen Pollan and Mark Levine.  Pollan and Levine helped me develop my money attitudes, specifically creating a career path that provides pleasure as well as income and developing income streams that will remain throughout our lives.

I liked this book so much that I bought a second copy to loan to friends, and now I'm sharing it with you.  Rules are the same:  you must answer the question in the comments, and it will be open for five days (until noon on Monday, June 14th.)

Today's question:  If you won a million dollars (after taxes), what would you do with it?

I know what I would do:  I'd give away 10%, save 10% in something traditional and relatively conservative, I'd spend 10% on some fun, and I would use the rest to work towards my dream of vacationing with my family and living on the water somewhere.