FlyLady Makes Financial Sense

You may have heard of FlyLady.  She is a inspirational, get-your-life together, internet sensation who advocates doing things 15 minutes at a time and taking little steps to make big progress.  Leah at Suddenly Frugal has interpreted some FlyLady wisdom in Five Ways Being Organized Saves You Money.  It's similar to one of my favorite posts, Seven Reasons Why Clutter Is Costing Me Money.  I might even be channeling a little FlyLady there, as I've read her stuff and am an on-again-off-again follower.  You can't argue with her logic!

You may have heard of FlyLady.  She is a inspirational, get-your-life together, internet sensation who advocates doing things 15 minutes at a time and taking little steps to make big progress.  Leah at Suddenly Frugal has interpreted some FlyLady wisdom in Five Ways Being Organized Saves You Money.  It's similar to one of my favorite posts, Seven Reasons Why Clutter Is Costing Me Money.  I might even be channeling a little FlyLady there, as I've read her stuff and am an on-again-off-again follower.  You can't argue with her logic!