2010 Military Pay Dates

Looking for the 2011 Military Pay Dates?

Looking for the 2011 Military Pay Dates?

I have quite a few questions in my email box, and some of them are tough and it is taking me a little while to find out the answers.  Fortunately, this one is easy!

"Where can I find the military pay dates for 2010?"

Well, I can't say that I've ever seen a list of pay dates (other than in my calendar).  Military members are paid on the fifteenth and the first of the month, unless that day falls on a holiday or weekend.  In the event the fifteenth or first falls on the weekend, then military members are paid on the previous business day (usually Friday.)  Military pay is paid at the end of the pay period, so January's pay is paid on January 15th and February 1st (or the corresponding business day.)  For example, if February 15th is a Monday holiday, you will be paid on Friday, February 12th.

Some banking institutions actually allow access to the funds on the day prior to the payday, but that does not have anything to do with the military but rather is based upon that banks policy and is usually done as a courtesy to their customers.

Since there isn't really a list, and a reader is looking for one, I'll post the dates here:

To those of you waiting for other email questions, I am working on them!  I have gotten some very interesting and very complicated questions this last month or so.  I appreciate your emails and I will keep looking for answer.  Thank you!