Thankful for Emergency Money

My uncle passed away yesterday.  He has been ill for a while and it wasn't a surprise.  I want to go to the funeral, as a sign of respect and possibly to be helpful.

My uncle passed away yesterday.  He has been ill for a while and it wasn't a surprise.  I want to go to the funeral, as a sign of respect and possibly to be helpful.

Times like these make me very happy that we aren't living paycheck-to-paycheck.  It is going to cost a bit of money to get there, stay, and have someone watch the kids.  I think it would be very sad if I couldn't go because we couldn't afford it.  There have certainly been times in our life when this would have been an expense that would end up on our credit card, probably for a very long time.

Yet another reason I'm thankful that we've built up an emergency fund.