State MSRRA Links Updated

I can't quite decide what to do with the list of state-by-state Military Spouse Residency Relief Act links - I don't want it to be stuck at the top all the time, but I don't want you to miss updates to a post that has gotten buried at the bottom, either.  As a compromise, I'm going to post this short bit and keep it at the top.  You'll have to link to get to the complete post.  Hope that accomplishes both objectives!

I can't quite decide what to do with the list of state-by-state Military Spouse Residency Relief Act links - I don't want it to be stuck at the top all the time, but I don't want you to miss updates to a post that has gotten buried at the bottom, either.  As a compromise, I'm going to post this short bit and keep it at the top.  You'll have to link to get to the complete post.  Hope that accomplishes both objectives!