Financial Fails

For some reason, this post just cracks me up.  Carrie at Carrie...on the Cheap writes about Personal Financial Fails That Drive Me Crazy.

For some reason, this post just cracks me up.  Carrie at Carrie...on the Cheap writes about Personal Financial Fails That Drive Me Crazy.

There are several aspects to this post.  First, she is absolutely right about these being dumb things to do.  Second, she is also right that they are common situations, and situations that most of us have been guilty of at one time or another in our lives.  Third, it seems that people who makes these mistakes can't see that they are mistakes.

Another thing that I thought was that I've managed to eliminate all these fails from my life, and while my financial life is definitely better for it, I haven't suddenly become uber-rich or stopped needing to count my pennies.  What I think, however, is that this list definitely points people in the right direction and it is part of creating a general mindset of making smart money decisions.  Small steps like these join together to make a larger change over time.

Anyway, I liked it.