Random Free Stuff

As usual, there is a selection of free stuff to be found on the internet today.  I'm always amazed at people who find gobs of free stuff - it if doesn't come right across my email, I don't usually find it.

As usual, there is a selection of free stuff to be found on the internet today.  I'm always amazed at people who find gobs of free stuff - it if doesn't come right across my email, I don't usually find it.

Here are today's offerings:

White Castle is offering One Free Original Sliderwith a printable coupon.  The coupon is good until July 12th.  Thanks Bargain Briana!

A&W Restaurants is celebrating their 90th Anniversary with Free Floats and 99 cent Papa Burgers.  (Also from Bargain Briana.)

TGIFridays is giving away a free appetizer or dessertif you sign up for their Club.  Also at TGIFridays, you can print off a coupon for Buy One Get One Free Entrees, good until June 22nd.

If usually see these offers and think "I'll never take advantage of that, so I'm not going to print out/sign up."  Then I find myself at one of these restaurants and think, "Oh, I should have snagged that coupon!"  I should print these out right now and add them to the restaurant coupon stash in my glove box.  Sometimes like is unpredictable!