Places to Go and Stories to Read

The Paycheck Chronicles has been featured a few places this week:

The Money Hacks Carnival, hosted by The Personal Finance Playbook, included Can Fitness be Frugal and Successful?

The Festival of Frugality, hosted by My Life ROI, offered No Spend Days.

The Paycheck Chronicles has been featured a few places this week:

The Money Hacks Carnival, hosted by The Personal Finance Playbook, included Can Fitness be Frugal and Successful?

The Festival of Frugality, hosted by My Life ROI, offered No Spend Days.

The Carnival of Pecuniary Delights, hosted by Living Well on Less, selected The Case for Separate Credit Cards.

The Case for Separate Credit Cards was also included in an interesting article at Green Panda Treehouse. Joint Banking, Budgets and Savings addresses many of the issues surrounding money when you're part of a couple - what to share, what to keep separate, and how to make it all work.

Outside of our little world at, I've noted a couple of interesting ideas:

From Suburban Dollar, who was inspired by ManvsDebt, who got the idea from Jim at Bargaineering(whew!):  My Financial Network Map.  I think this is a very interesting concept and it seems like a great way put all this information into an easy to understand picture.  This would be useful to put with your emergency documents, so that another person could take over your finances if necessary, or to share with a spouse who doesn't regularly handle the money.  I've put it on my to-do list!

6Bubblesdiscusses Strategy vs. Tactics- the difference between a financial plan, and the steps that are involved in the execution.

Mrs. SD does a series of guest posts at StretchyDollar, talking about how she converted her husband from a spender to a saver.  It can be so hard when couples aren't together on finances, and I love how she helped the evolution happen.

I'm off to the Milblogging conference in Washington, DC this weekend, so I'm not sure how the posting is going to go.  If you're coming to the conference, look for me!  Have a great weekend.