Transferring Your GI Bill

The most popular topic at is the GI Bill.  We've compiled a ton of resources to help you understand the current bill and the new bill that comes into effect in August.  In fact, we've got an entire section of devoted to educational issues - you can click here, or click on the Education tab at the top of the page to learn more.

The most popular topic at is the GI Bill.  We've compiled a ton of resources to help you understand the current bill and the new bill that comes into effect in August.  In fact, we've got an entire section of devoted to educational issues - you can click here, or click on the Education tab at the top of the page to learn more.

The Department of Defense has recently offered a short video that explains the transferability aspect of the new bill.  It seems pretty clear cut and it is nice to have the information presented like this.

The New (sometimes called Post 9/11) GI Bill is an amazing upgrade from the old GI bill, which was pretty good itself. From the number of questions we're getting, I know that there are a lot of people planning to take advantage of it. Stay tuned as all the final details are worked out - we'll be bringing you all the info right here at