Carnival of Personal Finance

Do you know what a blog carnival is?  It is sort of like a best-of from the internet.  Stories are submitted and the best are chosen.  It is a fantastic way to find all the best stuff without having to read it all yourself.

Do you know what a blog carnival is?  It is sort of like a best-of from the internet.  Stories are submitted and the best are chosen.  It is a fantastic way to find all the best stuff without having to read it all yourself.

I'm very happy that my post, Becoming A Landlord?  6 Ways to Prepare, was included in this weeks Carnival of Personal Finance.  I've learned a lot in the 13 years that we've owned a rental property and much of it was learned through trial and error.  With our constant moving, military folks are likely to be landlords at some point in their lives.  Might as well be prepared!

This week's Carnival includes several other outstanding articles.  Curtis at has put together a fantastic list of 9 Budgeting Myths.  I agree with every single one of them!  Though I do prefer the term "spending plan," budgeting is something that everyone should do.  Many people are scared and choose not to make a spending plan for their money.  Curtis helps to make it a little less intimidating, and reminds us that it takes practice to get good at using a spending plan.  Just because it hasn't worked in the past isn't a good reason to stop trying!

Hank at Own The Dollar reminds us that A Recession Is Not the Time to Shirk at Your Job.  It seems so obvious, doesn't it?  Unfortunately, some companies have developed a culture of not doing your best, and it can be hard to overcome the inertia.  If there is a time to start working extra hard, I think this is probably that time.

JSteele at Ask Mr. Credit Card has me hooked with Part 1 of his Interview With An Insider.  One part of me is completely shocked by what I've read, but another part of me knows this shouldn't surprise me.  Click on over and see what I mean.

There is so much amazingly interesting and useful advice out there.  Checking out the blog carnivals is one way to filter out some of the junk!  Enjoy.