Off-Duty Game News Roundup 2/28/14

A Closer Look at Irrational Games' Change of Focus

A Closer Look at Irrational Games' Change of Focus

"BioShock Infinite" was by no means a failure, and it comes as a surprise that its developer, Irrational Games, is drastically changing their focus in the video games industry. Rather than work the usual Triple-A production route, the company has laid off about 90% of their employees and have declared that they will focus on smaller, more narrative games. Rather than working over large budgets to produce fantastic games, Irrational Games, and Ken Levine, have declared that they will attempt to work more closely with video game fans and respond directly to their feedback. While the idea is a somewhat idealistic stand against the current standards of the games industry, many people are now out of a job and there is some speculation that this decision was in fact due to financial issues. However, the truth behind this change may not be fully explored for some time.

"Doom 4" Still Exists: Bethesda Unveils Doom Beta

Fans of the Doom franchise will be glad to know that, according to Bethesda marketer Pete Hines, is still in production. However, while its existence is enough to get excited about, the murmurings of its progress sin development are somewhat dour. Supposedly, after the failure of "Rage" to produce the results id Software expected, the entire team was told to focus on the re-dubbed "Doom." "Doom" has provided a solid legacy of fun, dark FPS titles, but according to Hines, "An earlier version of Doom 4 did not exhibit the quality and excitement that id and Bethesda intend to deliver." While there's still hope, games that have languished in development rarely come out on top once released.

Five Tips for Breaking into the Industry

Breaking into the video game industry is one of the most sought-after fonts of knowledge among fans and professionals alike. Games Industry provided five solid tips for breaking in. Check out the link for a fully fleshed out list:

  1. Gain practical experience.
  2. Market yourself.
  3. Always write a cover letter.
  4. Do your research.
  5. Ask questions and engage in the process.

Borderlands 3 is not Coming Anytime Soon for PS4, Xbox One

Unlike many other major studios, Gearbox is not shy about telling fans their plans for "Borderlands 3." According to Gearbox Software president Randy Pitchford: "We know we want it and we know it should exist, but we don't know what it is yet." In opposition to conventional Tripe-A wisdom of pumping out as many versions of a game as possible, Gearbox has officially decided to focus on other properties and wait for "Borderlands 3" to shape up in a productive way.