Partner with Your Young Drivers

Content provided courtesy of USAA.

Content provided courtesy of USAA.

Car accidents take the lives of thousands of young drivers every year. It's just one of many statistics that sends shivers down the spines of parents.

  • Teen drivers are four times more likely to crash than older drivers, mostly because of inexperience.
  • Nearly two out of three crash deaths that involve 16-year-old drivers happen when the new driver has one or more teen passengers.
  • The rate of nighttime fatal crashes for 16-year-olds is nearly twice as high as the daytime rate.

With these sobering facts in mind, parents can take steps to keep their kids safer. Some tips from the CDC include:

  • Ride with your child as much as possible to allow for practice driving.
  • Insist that everyone in the car wear a seat belt.
  • Prohibit driving at night and when other kids are in the car.
  • Lead by example: Don't exceed the speed limit, and don't talk on the phone or text when you're behind the wheel.