Commemorate VE Day with a Virtual World of Warships Parade

World of Warships parade (Wargaming)

May 8th marks the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day, a World War II milestone that should rightfully rank in our collective memory alongside Pearl Harbor Day and D-Day.

May 8th marks the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day, a World War II milestone that should rightfully rank in our collective memory alongside Pearl Harbor Day and D-Day.

Wargaming is celebrating this anniversary with a virtual Navy parade on May 6th at 12:00 p.m. EST/9:00 a.m. PST. In a livestream on the company’s Twitch channel, World of Warships gamers will set aside their battles for the moment and show off their ships to viewers.

Since World of Warships players are just as much about the military history as they are the action, it’s appropriate that the parade will have in-depth commentary from New York Times bestselling author and naval historian, James D. Hornfischer. He’ll be joined by WoW influencers The Mighty Jingles, Drachinifel and Wargaming’s very own Chieftain as the crew presents details about selected ships while providing historical context and highlighting the ships’ accomplishments during World War II.

Wargaming aims to provide a virtual substitute for cancelled VE Day commemorations around the world. Considering the game’s international following, it’s a way for players around the world to come together to remember those who fought and sacrificed during WWII.

And, since it’s a Wargaming event, there will be random prize drops for World of Warships players, with the company gifting VE permanent camouflages and ships.

If you’re interested in learning more about free-to-play war games, go to to sign up to World of Warships for free.

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