White House Releases Sequestration Report

Source: DoD Buzz -

Source: DoD Buzz -

The following excerpts were taken from a post on the DoD Buzz Blog by Michael Hoffman.

The White House released its 396-page report Thursday [Sept. 13] that includes details on the $54.7 billion cut the Defense Department will sustain in 2013 should Congress not agree on a deficit reduction plan to avoid sequestration by Jan. 2.

The report detailed the 9.4 percent cuts attached to Defense Department discretionary spending in 2013. This makes up the majority of Pentagon funds to include operations and maintenance, research, and procurement budgets. Another 10 percent will be cut from all mandatory defense programs — the few accounts not subject to congressional appropriations.

As promised by President Obama, funding for military personnel accounts to include pay will not be subject to sequester cuts. Department of Veterans Affairs funding has also received an exemption.

The White House did hedge in the report saying the estimates found in it are not final.

“If the sequestration were to occur, the actual results would differ based on changes in law and ongoing legal, budgetary, and technical analysis,” the report states. “However, the report leaves no question that the sequestration would be deeply destructive to national security, domestic investments, and core government functions.”

Read the complete article on DoD Buzz.

Let your elected officials know how you feel about the “sequestration” related cuts.