Advice for Paycheck Issues

The following was borrowed from my friend Kate at the Paycheck Chronicles. Please visit her blog for help and advice on pay, retirement planning, benefits, and budgeting with a spouse and family point of view.

The following was borrowed from my friend Kate at the Paycheck Chronicles. Please visit her blog for help and advice on pay, retirement planning, benefits, and budgeting with a spouse and family point of view.

Why Hasn’t My Pay Been Deposited?

Every pay period, I get tons of comments and emails from people who are concerned because their pay hasn’t been deposited.  There is a logical progression of steps to take if you haven’t received your pay as expected.

1. Make sure you know what day is payday. 

2. Wait. 

3. Check your Leave and Earnings Statement (LES). 

4. Call your bank. 

5. Check with your finance department. 

For more details on these five steps visit the Paycheck Chronicles.

Kate’s best advice on the subject: Wait.  “Don’t forget, waiting solves most of the problems without lots of stress or worry.”