Corps Mulls Tuition Assistance Cuts

Last week a draft memo was circulated that outlined a proposal to cut Marine Corps Tuition Assistance to less than $200 a credit hour and severely limit the number of units a Marine could take each year.

Last week a draft memo was circulated that outlined a proposal to cut Marine Corps Tuition Assistance to less than $200 a credit hour and severely limit the number of units a Marine could take each year.

Under the current policy Marines are eligible for $250 per credit hour and $4,500 a year (18 credits a year).

In addition to reducing the per credit hour payment rate and limiting the number of credits a Marine can take each year, the draft policy also outlines restrictions on eligibility for TA based on minimum time at first unit, physical fitness, and elgibible Marines must be recommended for promotion.

To date the proposed changes have not been made official. However, several schools have reported that Marine Corps  TA requests appear to be on hold for the time being.

This should not come as a shock, I have written several times recently about the high probability of significant reductions to TA funding and increased restrictions on use.

I will pass along further details when the Marine Corps releases the official policy change. Rumor has it the Marine Corps will release the details sometime around mid-October.