President: Stop-Loss Pay Not a Trap

According to the Pentagon, sending personal letters, posting fliers, making Facebook posts and Tweets begging troops to file stop-loss pay claims have not worked - they can't seem to give away the over $230 million in Stop-Loss Pay.

According to the Pentagon, sending personal letters, posting fliers, making Facebook posts and Tweets begging troops to file stop-loss pay claims have not worked - they can't seem to give away the over $230 million in Stop-Loss Pay.

That's $230 million in unclaimed cash, and nobody is applying for it - why?

According to a recent Associated Press article, many vets see this as a baited trap; fearing that applying will make them subject to recall  - again.

President Obama has joined the effort to get vets to take advantage of their stop-loss compensation. In a brief broadcast message, Obama told vets that he is aware that "Some veterans think this is some sort of gimmick or scam or that it's a way for the government to call [them] back to service."

"Nothing could be further from the truth," he said. "You worked hard; you earned this money."

Read the full article.

The video below was released in Sept. 2010. The President refers to an October 2010 application deadline, since that time the deadline has pushed to March 18, 2011.

Learn more about how and where to claim your Stop-Loss Pay - hurry the current deadline is March 18, 2011.