Raven Concealment Kit Offers Solution for Body Armor Users

The Raven Concealment Systems Drop Offset Kit allows a user to modify a Phantom holster so a snag doesn't occur on body armor during the draw.

The Raven Concealment Systems Drop Offset Kit allows a user to modify a Phantom holster so a snag doesn't occur on body armor during the draw.

The Drop Offset Kit is a holster mounting solution that enables the end user to lower the ride height of their pistol and simultaneously produce a slight outward can’t from the body, according to Raven Concealment officials.

“This enables the end-user to efficiently and effectively ‘clear’ body armor near the waistline -- the perfect solution for those who need an option that is higher than a drop leg rig, but lower than traditional gun belt carry,” Raven officials maintain.

The Drop Offset Kit retails for $24.99.