Modern Day Marine 2015 This Week at Quantico

The 2015 Modern Day Marine Military Expo will be held Sept. 22-24 at Quantico Marine Base and Kit Up!, will be there.

The 2015 Modern Day Marine Military Expo will be held Sept. 22-24 at Quantico Marine Base and Kit Up!, will be there.

This year’s show will feature panel discussion groups for the first time. The panels will focus on Marine Corps programs, future amphibious operations and special operations.

Kit Up will be walking the exhibit floor, searching for sweet new gear.

This year marks the 23rd consecutive year that the show is being held at Quantico. The expo is sponsored by the Marine Corps League, a 70,000-member Marine Corps veteran’s organization.

Personnel from Marine Corps Systems Command, Marine Corps Combat Development Command and Marine Corps Warfighting Lab will be present to meet with industry representatives.