90% Support Marine Decision to Roll Sleeves

Rolled SleeveNine out of ten Kit Up! readers agreed with Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos' decision to allow Marines to again start rolling their sleeves when wearing desert camouflage utilities in non-combat areas.

Rolled SleeveNine out of ten Kit Up! readers agreed with Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos' decision to allow Marines to again start rolling their sleeves when wearing desert camouflage utilities in non-combat areas.

More than two years ago, Amos ordered sleeves down when wearing the desert camouflage uniform in warm weather. Marines will still wear sleeves down in colder weather and wearing the woodland camouflage uniform. The change will take place on March 9 when Marines make the seasonal switch.%embed1%

The results of this informal poll are not much of a surprise. Many Marines expressed their frustration when Amos made the initial decision for Marines to lower their sleeves.

Amos admitted on Facebook that he was asked repeatedly by Marines when they could roll their sleeves up again.

“I’ve thought a lot about this over the past 2.5 years; I realize that it’s important to you. Sleeves up clearly and visually sets us apart.”