RECOIL's Target Pack

RECOIL’s first Target Pack special issue will be out at the end of the month (possibly on sale the 29th), which they hope will tide their readership over until their next scheduled issue in April. The target pack contains a 16-page "shooting guide" with suggestions on the use of AR rifles and semi-automatic handguns as well as 10 targets. 5 targets are serious, 5 for entertainment value and then a bonus poster from their Going Hot series of pictures.

RECOIL’s first Target Pack special issue will be out at the end of the month (possibly on sale the 29th), which they hope will tide their readership over until their next scheduled issue in April. The target pack contains a 16-page "shooting guide" with suggestions on the use of AR rifles and semi-automatic handguns as well as 10 targets. 5 targets are serious, 5 for entertainment value and then a bonus poster from their Going Hot series of pictures.

They have measures in place to get additional copies of targets if you want them. All their past targets, and soon the ones from the target pack, will be available for download - they use the original PDFs they sent to the printer themselves, so as long as you have access to the proper size paper you'll be able to print them as needed, in the original quality.

(A very short piece by Iain Harrison is up on their website now, by the way.)