AUSA 2012: KitUp! Will Be There

Aaahhhh ... another AUSA is upon us. Are you excited!? Can you feel the energy!!?? Me neither, but reporters will be there in-force.

In all seriousness, AUSA is a big deal. The annual, three-day event Oct. 22-24 is always a mecca for all things Army.

Yes, there will be plenty of speeches, panel discussions, pomp-and-circumstance and Doughboy humor. But AUSA is also one of the few occasions that so many senior leaders and program heads are in one place and available to answer questions about real issues that affect soldiers.

I hope to get some face time with Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno, Sgt. Major of the Army Raymond Chandler and anybody else I can pin down. What do you want to know?

I'm going to ask about camouflage and small arms programs, but are there any other topics you guys want me to ask about? Think on it and let me know.

Also, I am going to try to spend as much time on the show floor as possible between all the speaking events. I will be looking for new gear and product upgrades, but is there anything in particular that you guys want me to focus on?

I can't promise everything, but I'll try to get the answers you want.