Fitness: A Pack Frame for Ruckin with Weights

The Load Trainer by Innovative Performance

Road marching with weights instead of gear in your ruck isn't new, but a North Carolina-based company is now producing a pack frame specifically designed to carry steel weights from the gym. Just think of it -- miles and miles of convenient, self-torture.

Before you make a judgement, please read this review of the Load Trainer by Stew Smith, former Navy SEAL and Associate Fitness Editor at

Check it out:

During the NSCA Tactical Strength and Conditioning Conference this year, I met a special operator who created what he calls the Load Trainer.  It's basically an ALICE pack frame specially designed to be an Olympic plate holder. It makes it simple to get the weight perfectly right for a long ruck march.

 Yes - now someone has invented a gift for the masochist in your life.  At a cost of $45, this souped-up pack frame is a convenient and cost-effective solution for training for ruck marches.

The Load Trainer allows the user to train with a weighted ruck without having to pack and unpack his gear prior to going into the field or going on a long ruck march with his unit.  I personally have my pack loaded with all my necessities and it only weighs 45 lbs.  With this completely separate device, I can use as much weight as I want without having to reconfigure my kit. 

I have been using this Load Trainer for over a year now and it makes for a very easy change of weight. It never bounces, and it's perfectly placed on my back. 

The Load Trainer allows the user to logically progress with systematic weight increases to acclimate to any mission requirement.

The folks at Innovative Performance Inc are now mass producing these very useful backpacks.  Check them out, especially if you are preparing for any training program that requires miles and miles of rucking.