Warrior South: Guy Cramer on the US4CES Camo Pattern

Kit Up! A couple variants of the ADS Inc./Hyperstealth camouflage patterns.

Nick Hoffman of ADS Inc. introduced us to several people the first morning of Warrior South, setting us up for more potential stories and interview possibilities than we could hope to accomplish in just two days. The first thing we did was talk to Guy Cramer of Hyperstealth, took a few minutes to talk about the US4CES camouflage pattern they've submitted to the U.S. Army “Family of Camouflage Program”. The video quality is a testimony to my outstanding skills as a videographer and documentary film maker (that's sarcasm) so don't hold it against him, ADS Inc. or Hyperstealth.

(Note: some of you will have read about this pattern previously after Warrior West on Soldier Systems Daily.)

I'd read about the ADS Inc./Cramer team-up before but hadn't heard the whole story. Say one thing about Mr. Cramer; the man is passionate about camouflage. I don't mean that disparagingly, nor is this some sort of judgment on his camouflage patterns versus any others. It's an observation about the man. The science, art and application of camouflage seems to genuinely consume him. It was great to finally meet him.



Kit Up! A pack in the ADS/Hyperstealth pattern, on display at their booth.