Sunday Funny: Regular can of baccer y'say?

"No says I."

"No says I."

First time I saw this I about pissed myself. You may not think it's as funny as I did, but that's okay. This video and all hillbilly ninjy videos like it go out to the TSRAAA (Tommy Slock Refugees from Applachia Appreciation Association). Carry on Sgt. Slock.

"There ain't much call for a one-legged ninjy out thar."


You thoughtcher can of tabaccy was jes' for a'chewin' dintcha? You reckoned wrong.

I'm still working on learning the ninjy whompin' action. I'll let you know when I master it. I'll be studyin' at Diemon Dave's Trailer Park Ninja Academy, and larnin' from him on Facebook.