The Fear of War...from a Stripper's Perspective

Even in a Strip Joint...the Fear of Going off to War Bites Deep

Even in a Strip Joint...the Fear of Going off to War Bites Deep

from Business Insider Defense, by Laine Durr: freelance writer, exotic dancer and graduate student of journalism in NYC.

[This is not your typical article, nor is it written by your typical writer, but it is an interesting and different take on what goes through a man's head when he's about to deploy.]

"...I am pretty good at my job, which is slightly harder than just looking good naked. To be fair, not much harder. But a good stripper has to do more than know how to take off her clothes. A good stripper is a comedian, a psychologist and an economist. To pick the best customers out of a crowd, she has to know where the money is flowing in the economy... Every stripper knows that a “kid” aka a man under the age of 30, doesn’t have money. But our government does and they hand it out freely to boys who want to pick up a gun. Boys who believe it is their duty to defend my right to run around naked for money...
...I'll be writing about what these kids let slip and whisper in the dark when they finally have someone to listen.

There's nothing I can say to help them at the time, but here and now, maybe I can let them know that they are not alone.

And they shouldn't drop their signing bonuses in a strip joint."

Read the story in its entirety at Business Insider Defense.