A Villian's Highest Praise -- Personalized Targets

This one's for the fans of HBO's "Game of Thrones." The actor that plays that hateable, cowardly little pr*ck of a king Joffrey Lannister has earned a spot next to Osama, zombies and other target-worthy villains.

This one's for the fans of HBO's "Game of Thrones." The actor that plays that hateable, cowardly little pr*ck of a king Joffrey Lannister has earned a spot next to Osama, zombies and other target-worthy villains.

A reader sent this in and I just couldn't resist. I love "Game of Thrones" and certainly want to see this little bas***rd get his. But I doubt redbubble.com is going to sell many of these pricing them at $24.70 each. But if you do take these to the range, make sure you only use your TACOM-approved USGI improved magazines in the AR of your choice.