Silencers are Legal Recap

A few months ago I was invited to the "Silencers Are Legal" shoot down in Texas.Unfortunately, the changeover in KU editorial staff, preparations for the MilBlog conference at the level and several other things (there's a lot going on) got in the way and I was unable to go. Hopefully next year!

A few months ago I was invited to the "Silencers Are Legal" shoot down in Texas.Unfortunately, the changeover in KU editorial staff, preparations for the MilBlog conference at the level and several other things (there's a lot going on) got in the way and I was unable to go. Hopefully next year!

The requirements for the shoot (which was open to the public and was held at Elm Fork Range in Dallas) were:
-No unsuppressed fire allowed at this shoot.

-Shooters bring their own guns and ammunition.

-Different Manufactures will be there for shooters to try out their products etc.

The following is a video recap of the shoot.


You can also learn more at the website, I would encourage everyone operating under the mistaken belief that silencers are illegal (or who don't understand whether there's a difference between suppressors and silencers) to check it out.Oklahoma is now much more silencer friendly; let's help the trend continue. (After all, cans are cool.)

I would like to thank Kenny Bozich and Mike Semanoff for the invitation and express my appreciation to Legion Firearms for having been willing to sponsor me with shootin' irons for the event.