Soldier Dogs: Paws on the Ground

Under the Radar has a review up by Kit Up!'s David Reeder about the book Soldier Dogs, by Maria Goodavage. Goodavage, whose father was a very young soldier in WWII, is a former USA Today reporter who now writes for Dogster and other places. After hearing about Cairo's involvement in Operation Neptune Spear she wanted to learn more about MWDs (Military Working Dogs) and the roles they play in the war effort - not just operationally, but in the lives of their handlers. (Note: she'd written about Military Working Dogs before, but wanted to do more and help bring it to a larger audience: here's where she first talks about the project.) She'd already been working on the concept of a book. News of Cairo provided more impetus. If you're interested,  read the review of Soldier Dogs. Her articles on Dogster, many of which concern MWDs and their handlers, are archived here.

Under the Radar has a review up by Kit Up!'s David Reeder about the book Soldier Dogs, by Maria Goodavage. Goodavage, whose father was a very young soldier in WWII, is a former USA Today reporter who now writes for Dogster and other places. After hearing about Cairo's involvement in Operation Neptune Spear she wanted to learn more about MWDs (Military Working Dogs) and the roles they play in the war effort - not just operationally, but in the lives of their handlers. (Note: she'd written about Military Working Dogs before, but wanted to do more and help bring it to a larger audience: here's where she first talks about the project.) She'd already been working on the concept of a book. News of Cairo provided more impetus. If you're interested,  read the review of Soldier Dogs. Her articles on Dogster, many of which concern MWDs and their handlers, are archived here.

SSgt Alissa Jones and her partner Marco. Marco was killed in Iraq.

MWD Carla and her handler, Sgt. Walker, 40TH MP Det helped by Cav scouts over a wall.