A Bargain Performance Watch: Bertucci

Kit Up Bertucci

Kit Up Bertucci

Kit Up: A-4T Vintage 44 by Bertucci

We've done a lot of high end watches on Kit Up lately, and Bill did a great post recently on an affordable watch called the Pulsar Solar 4000. Another option I wanted to feature (in the low price range) is the Bertucci.  I spoke with one of the guys at REI recently and he turned me on to this brand.  The only criticism I have is that it's battery operated.  You can't beat an auto or solar powered watch (IMHO).

Regardless, the Bertucci is a watch I'd happily pay $140 for.  It's very simple and to the point and I really like the fact that this watch has no pins on the watch band through points. This eliminates a failure point commonly encountered in even high end watches.

Enjoy and let us know what you think.


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