First Look: Wild Things Tactical Hybrid Softshell

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Somehow this post got erased. We are reposting.]

Last week we had an exclusive post about a new developmental product being put together by the folks at Wild Things Tactical. The new Hybrid Combat Softshell combines WTT’s expertise in light, weather-resistant fabric technology with ultra-strong, ultra-flexible protective padding.

Kit Up! did some sneaky secret squirrel stuff and obtained these exclusive photos of the very first developmental test beds.

Our source gave us the go-ahead to post the pics and was eager to get some feedback from our tapped-in readers. One thing I noticed is that these pics do not depict the concept of the chest and back padding — intended to mitigate trauma from impacts to the body armor/plate carrier.

But we had a chance to twist and turn some of the G-Form padding and it’s pretty sweet.

Let us know how it looks to you…?