T&E: Gone Training Kydex Holster

It's not that often that an active duty Joe has the time or inclination to turn his gear ideas into reality, but in the case of Gone Training holsters, it's happened.

The owner is a an Army artillery officer now assigned to a desk job stateside -- we'll call him "JT" to protect his anonymity. But when he was in Iraq, JT used a BlackHawk Serpa holster and hated it. In fact, he hated it so much (and he's not alone, I hear) that he posted a video executing a serpa on the range.


But he went further than posting goofy videos. After JT and some of his compadres tried to get some Gucci Raven holsters and were told it would cost $85 bucks and take several months, he threw up his hands and decided to go on his own.

Now JT charges $50 for a nice Kydex holster and you're sure to get it in a week or so.

Kit Up! used one of the 101 Holsters for Glock and a double mag pouch during our recent trip to the Vickers Tactical course in Moyock. I'm not going to sugar coat it or beat around the bush...the thing worked awesome. It fit well on the belt, operated smoothly and retained the pistol and mags no problem.

And as JT assured us during an interview, they really did look cool!

So for anyone who lusts after a Raven but doesn't have the jack or half a year to invest, give Gone Training a try...they're guaranteed.

A big shout out to "privatesnuffy" for the tip...

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