Wanted: James Bond Comm Unit

A colleague forwarded this little item from the Federal Business Opportunities registry that looks more Bourne Identity than Big Army.

I'm still scratching my head on why this solicitation would be made public like this and also why on Earth the command that it's for would need something so hardcore covert. But, hey, in the world of unknown stealth helos, this could be considered small potatoes, huh?

This specification outlines the contractor's requirement to furnish the Headquarters U.S. Army Forces Command (HQ FORSCOM) senior leaders with NIPRNET/SIPRNET compatible office furniture for their houses/quarters at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. This requirement calls for the furnishing of, delivery of, and installation of the furniture. 

 The item descriptions are as follows: Furniture: Deliver and install six (6) integrated, secured communications centers camouflaged as a hutch, bookcase cabinet and buffet. Communications center should be constructed using hardwood of medium cherry stain to match living quarters d cor. Shall be designed with unrestricted air flow, safe and PDS inspections, acoustical silencing, and hidden access points.

Seriously? Where are the hidden entrances to the Bat Cave? How about covert daggers that shoot out of the sock drawer?

Since the solicitation came out on May 19, one has to wonder if the FORSCOM bubbas got all Abbottabad on 'em...