MultiCam Integrated Tourniquet System from Blackhawk!

Blackhawk's Integrated Tourniquet System is been around for at least three years, but the company keeps updating the technology with better materials, easier manipulation and, more importantly, designing the High Performance Fighting Uniform with new camouflage patterns beyond the desert digital/AOR 1 the SEALS down in VaBeach wanted.

Blackhawk's Integrated Tourniquet System is been around for at least three years, but the company keeps updating the technology with better materials, easier manipulation and, more importantly, designing the High Performance Fighting Uniform with new camouflage patterns beyond the desert digital/AOR 1 the SEALS down in VaBeach wanted.

Now thw HPFU is made in olive drab, black and multicam as well. Ward and I took a set of HPFUs to Afghanistan courtesy of Blackhawk during out embed, and I have to tell you, it was the best set of threads I've ever worn on an embed.

Well, our multimedia czar Glenn Anderson caught up with the folks from Blackhawk during the Association of the US Army show a couple weeks ago and got the updated scoop on the ITS system offered in the HPFU in MultiCam.
