EMA Adds Desert Sheen to Roni Pistol/Sub Conversion Kit

EMA Tactical has released a version of its innovative RONI pistol/carbine conversion kit in desert tan and green.

EMA Tactical has released a version of its innovative RONI pistol/carbine conversion kit in desert tan and green.

It's been one of those things that dropped off the side of our desk this year, but the RONI system is actually pretty impressive and it's been improved over the last year since its first release in January.

Kit Up! had the chance to demo the Roni at SHOT Show in Vegas this year and it was really pretty darn nice. The feel was excellent and the system delivered the accuracy at range lengths it claimed.

At the time, the RONI only worked with the Glock platform, but in recent months, EMA has released versions that are compatible with Beretta PX4 Storm, SIG and Springfield XD.

At $400 for the Glock version, it ain't cheap. But in a sense, you're getting a whole new weapon for substantially less than you would for ... well ... a whole new weapon.

If you get a chance to demo one of these kits, definitely give it a whirl. It's an intriguing idea that extends the range of your accurate pistol shooting from several feet to many yards.